Welcome Back!!

Welcome back Grade 2's!!

I hope you all have a fun filled March Break and are ready to jump into our final term together. We will be Kicking-off the new term with Social Studies unit about Canada and features of communities around the world. Each of you bring to the class many different background traditions whether you were born in Canada or not. Throughout this unit we will be exploring the traditions and celebrations, weather, clothing, food and many other fun facts about Canada and other countries around the world.
I have planned an exciting trip to the science centre where we can connect all we have learned about the worlds many different weather patterns and the science behind it.
Be sure to find time to visit the many educational interactive and fun links I have posted to further explore topics discussed in class and some just for fun links.
Please visit on a weekly bases to find updates about what your child is learning in class as well as upcoming school events. I look forward to seeing you and discussing with you all your thoughts, comments and concerns regarding your child's report card during parent teacher interviews next week.

Social Studies

Features of Communities from Around the World!

As a class we will be exploring the many features of Canada (the map of Canada, the national flag, sports, festivals and traditions, clothing, weather, food, etc.). We will also learn how to read a world map in order to locate Canada and other major countries. In small groups you will further explore one of the following countries: Spain, China, India, Ireland and Trinidad. As a group you will design a poster board that includes a map of the country, the national flag, pictures and written information about that countries major festival, foods, clothing, weather and traditions. At the end of this unit each group will be given a chance to present the country they researched to the class and the poster will then be displayed on a bulletin board outside the classroom for all to see.
This will be a very exciting Unit, I can't wait!!
Check out this website to help you get started on your research:

Language Arts

We are all Canadian yet our ancestors or parents come from many other countries around the world. To begin our unit of study, features of Communities around the world, you will be given an opportunity to discuss with your families and refelct on your own cultural backgrounds and traditions. As well, you will create an illustrated picture that reflects your family's cultural backgound and then you will briefly present your information to the class. The language portion of this unit will be dedicated to learning how to use many text forms to research a specific topics. You will alos be given a few oportunitues to practice your oral presentation skills.

Here is a great search engine to help you with your research project:
Cyber Sleuth Kids

Science - Weather

We will begin to work on weather during this terms science unit. With the help of work books and activity sheets students will learn about what effects our daily temperature and will learn how to use a thermometer in order to record daily temperature. As a class we will record the temperature for each 5 consecutive days in Toronto and, with the help of the Internet (www.weathernetwork.com) , the 5 countries around the world we have been researching in Social Studies (Spain, India, Trinidad, Ireland, and China). Once we are all familiar with temperature and the effects of weather, we will be discussing ways in which the weather affects how people live (ex. clothing, sports, farming, etc.). Once our Science unit on weather is complete we will be going on a class trip to the science centre to explore weather in an interacative way. Check out the Science Centres website before we go!!

Here are two great sites to begin your exploration of weather:

The Magic school bus and Weather Wiz Kids


Tally Charts and Bar Graphs
During this unit we are going to be learning about how we can use tally charts to help us organize information on a bar graph. More specifically we will be learning how to form questions in order to conduct a survey and record the information on a tally graph. We will then use that information to create a bar graph. We will also be learn how to graph temperatures from Canada and the countries we have been researching in or groups. Have some fun practicing at home by surveying your friends and family (ex. Favourite colour, favourite movie, favourite food, etc.). Below is a blank tally chart and a blank bar graph for you to practice at home.

Check out these websites so you can play fun games at home to improve your math skills:

Teach R Kids and Kids Numbers